Focus Population
Age Group
1-3 of 3
The HIV Day Center is a drop-in center for people living with HIV/AIDS. Services include hot breakfasts and lunches, access to phones, a mail drop, computers with internet access, TV, VCR, clothing, shower, and hygiene supplies.
Drop-in center for people living with HIV/AIDS. Services include hot breakfasts and lunches, access to phones, a mail drop, computers with internet access, TV, VCR, clothing, shower, and hygiene supplies. Clients have access to washer, dryer, massage, acupuncture, foot care, and haircuts by signup. Recreational activities include art therapy, games, and other activities. Our Daily Bread Express program delivers meals directly to those who are homebound with HIV.
Public Internet Access Sites
Arts and Crafts Instruction
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Recreational Activities/Sports
General Clothing Provision
Laundry Facilities
Telephone Facilities
Drop In Centers
Public Showers/Baths
Home Delivered Meals
Podiatry/Foot Care
Hair and Nail Care
Temporary Mailing Address
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Offers confidential medical care, including mental health counseling, alternative medicine, family planning and STI screening for youth ages 12-26 who are currently or recently homeless or unstably housed.
Operates drop-in homeless youth clinics.
Offers confidential health services, including treatment for general illness, physical exams, sexually transmitted infections including HIV, mental health counseling, pregnancy testing, lice, birth control, scabies, confidential HIV testing, injuries and gender-affirming care.
Also provides case management; helps clients enroll in ORCA Lift; offers dental care referrals; helps connect clients to PrEP. Coordinates with Bastyr University to provide alternative medicine services, including naturopathic and acupuncture care.
Community Clinics
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Teen Family Planning Programs
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Pregnancy Testing
Adolescent Medicine
General Medical Care
HIV Testing
Homeless drop-in youth clinic offers general health care services, including exams, contraception, STI testing, psychiatric evaluations and services, and limited acupuncture.
Homeless drop-in youth clinic offers general health care services, including:
- General physical exams
- Psychiatric care, including evaluations, medication management and referrals
- Sexual transmitted infection (STI) testing.
- Birth control including oral contraceptive pills (OCPs), emergency contraception (Plan B), and condoms.
- Upper respiratory problems
- Dermatological problems, including lice and scabies
Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation
Pregnancy Testing
Emergency Contraception
Teen Family Planning Programs
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Adolescent Medicine